LEND Program Director, Dr. Miya Asato, Publishes Article on Transitioning to Adult Neurological Care

"Transitioning to Adult Neurological Care: Where do we go from here?" published in the Annual Healthcare Issue of Exceptional Parent Magazine, seeks to explore the difficulties and disparities in the transition phase from pediatric to adult neurological care.

 “As children with epilepsy and IDD reach adulthood, while principles have been developed by consensus to guide the child neurologist, no specialized guidelines have been created for the adult neurologist that speak to the unique transition of care needs necessary for successful transition from pediatric to adult care. This represents a critical period as individuals with IDD with health conditions often have complex personal, social, and physical challenges which historically have been associated with difficulty in accessing quality healthcare compared to their non-IDD peers, resulting in health care disparities.”

By creating a conversation around this gap to address transition barriers, Lend at The University of Pittsburgh co-sponsored the first-ever Neuro Transitions for People with IDD Roundtable in Boston, Massachusetts, on April 26 and 27, 2017.

“The primary purposes of the meeting were to identify barriers to successful transition for pediatric to adult neurology, and to identify actionable solutions to those barriers.”  

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