Rachel Fryatt

  • 2017-2018 Audiology

Rachel Fryatt is a 3rd year student in the Doctor of Audiology program at the University of Pittsburgh. She is a 2015 graduate from The Ohio State University where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Hearing Science. While at Ohio State, she served as president of an on-campus residence activities council and board member for the Pink Out Ohio State organization.  She also volunteered at Grant Medical Center. 

Last year, Rachel was a fellow in the Pittsburgh Schweitzer Fellows Program, which is a one-year interdisciplinary fellowship that aims to address health disparities and social injustices in communities and provide programs for change. During her year, she implemented audiology services at two free clinics in Pittsburgh. These services are now sustainable models that help bridge the gap between hearing healthcare accessibility and vulnerable populations. She has presented this clinical model and consequent research at conferences across the country with the goal of inspiring audiology students to get more involved in vulnerable populations within their local communities. 

Currently, Rachel serves as president of the University of Pittsburgh Student Academy of Audiology, and was previously events chair. She is also a research assistant in the auditory processing disorders lab, focusing on electrophysiologic responses in children with binaural integration deficits. Rachel is excited to be a LEND trainee and looks forward to learning about the interdisciplinary approach to patient-centered healthcare.

Rachel Fryatt | Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Related Disorders

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