Vaishnavi Brahmamdam

  • Public Health

Vaishnavi Brahmamdam is a second-year graduate student of the Masters of Public Health Genetics program with a certificate in Global Health at the University of Pittsburgh. She is a 2019 graduate from Indiana University Bloomington where she received her Bachelor of Science in Biology and Minor in Gender Studies. While attending Indiana University, she served as a chemistry associate instructor and an early childhood science education intern at WonderLab Museum of Health, Science, and Technology.

During and after college, Vaishnavi served at several hospice locations in their memory care units supporting residents with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. In this role, she worked with residents on engaging motor skills and provided emotional support. As a graduate student, she interned with New York Mid-Atlantic Caribbean (NYMAC) Regional Genetics Network, and worked on addressing access to genetic services in the state of Pennsylvania. She has also worked for Cure HHT, a rare disease non-profit organization, where she created interventional radiology education materials for providers and compiled genetics-related resources for clinics in Singapore. In the future, she hopes to combine her passion for public health and genetics with serving children and adults with disabilities. Vaishnavi is thrilled to be a 2021-2022 LEND trainee and looks forward to collaborating and learning from an interdisciplinary team to help families navigate through the process of receiving the care and resources they need.

Vaishnavi Brahmamdam | Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Related Disorders

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